How To Manage Stress Without The Use of Drugs

Aliya Salim
4 min readJan 9, 2023

We are always looking for shortcuts or quick wins but to be stress-free in the long run we need to put in the work.

Photo by Brandy Kennedy on Unsplash

Ignoring stress can lead to burnout, which can cause both physical and mental health issues in the long run. If you want to understand the difference between stress and burnout read my last post The Dangers of Mistaking Burnout For Stress.

How to manage stress naturally

Spend more time alone. Do something completely just for you. Something as simple as taking a long bath while playing your favorite music or going to the movies and having your favorite cinema snacks.

Pick up a new or old hobby. Try out something you’ve always been curious about or something you enjoyed as a child.

Do less of what produces negative emotions in you. Learn to recognize and eliminate the things, activities and people that foster negative feelings and emotions in you. Stop listening to, or watching anything that has the potential to send you into a negative mindset and cause discouragement.

Disconnect on breaks. Whether it’s a lunch break or annual leave, completely disconnect from work. Breaks are meant for mental and physical rest so you can function better. If something is very urgent they will call you. Let your team know you will return the favor when they are on breaks too.

Spend time in nature. Walk your local park, go on a hike in your area or neighboring areas, get some sunlight or swim in the ocean.

Have some fun. Go dancing, do something out of your comfort zone, take a spontaneous trip, say yes more often. Life is meant to be enjoyed, it’s not always so serious!

Find your outlet. Find a way to release all the built-up emotions and stress. Is it through writing, screaming into a pillow, painting, exercising or meditating?

Invest in self-care. When you look good you feel good. Work out, eat clean, sleep more, hydrate, get a pedicure, put on a face mask and moisturize your skin.

Celebrate successes. No matter how big or little the success is celebrate it and stop waiting for something big to happen to be happy. Whip out your favorite outfit, candle or dishes and stop waiting for the ‘right time’ — there’s no better day than today!

Start a gratitude journal. Every evening, write down 3 things you are grateful for that day. Tip: Keep a journal in the toilet so you don’t forget.

Make time for socializing. Isolation can be deteriorating for your health and can increase depression. Healthy relationships help you deal better with stress and they remind you to enjoy yourself. If you’re too exhausted after work to meet people you can also be socially active by joining a virtual club, video chatting with friends and family or spending time with your pet.

Learn how to budget. Financial stress can affect marriage, mental health, heart conditions and isolation. There are so many books and lectures that you can learn from if you can’t afford to hire a financial advisor.

Set boundaries with work, with others and with yourself. Say no more often, ask for help when you need it and keep weekends for rejuvenation by turning off email notifications (remember your team can call you when there’s an emergency). If something is not done by the end of your working day and it can wait until tomorrow to be completed then force yourself to shut the computer and stop working.

Surround yourself with positive vibes. Cut out the negative talk with others and with yourself, watch uplifting videos and movies, follow inspiring accounts and keep positive people around you.

Practice mindfulness. Stopping to take in the present moment does wonders for our mental and physical health. Check out my article on how you can be more mindful through everyday tasks.

Process your emotions. Check in with yourself once in a while and take note of your feelings by writing them down. You can also speak to loved ones or to a support group.

Ask for support. If you think you have reached the burnout phase then speak to your supervisor and let them know what you are going through. Speak to your loved ones and ask them for support. Sometimes just having someone understand your situation means you no longer need to pretend to be okay or to push your feelings aside. Acknowledging and accepting how you feel will help you work on yourself sooner rather than later.

Seek professional help. Being positive doesn’t mean you should ignore your negative feelings. If none of the above works for you then it’s time to seek professional help.

What are some methods you use to manage stress?



Aliya Salim

Sharing my thoughts and findings as I embark on a journey to find inner peace using positive psychology.